

This project was supported and funded by eCampusOntario.

The project would not have been possible without the members of the University of Windsor community who voluntarily participated in this study and contributed their insights and experiences in surveys and focus groups. Ethical clearance for this project was obtained through the Research Ethics Board at the University of Windsor on May 11, 2017 (File No. 33962).

I would like to thank Dr. Suzanne McMurphy, Chair of the Research Ethics Board, for her advice in developing the Office of Open Learning’s Standard Operating Procedure for online and technology-enhanced course and program evaluation study protocols. Without her help, we would not have been able to develop standard syllabus language and procedures towards using student data, particularly learning management data, for future educational research and scholarship of teaching and learning projects.

Ashlyne O’Neil was student partner and a Applied Social Psychology PhD intern on this project. She took a leadership role in collecting and analyzing the mostly quantitative survey and qualitative focus group data, conducted the literature search and environmental scan, and wrote an annotated bibliography.

Educational Research Interns from Dr. Clayton Smith’s course, Quini Cao and Wanying Li, contributed additional insights to quantitative and qualitative analyses of the survey and focus group data as part of their research internship in Fall 2021. Their perspectives as international graduate students was much appreciated.

We would also like to thank our collaborators and partners on this project, including:

Phil Graniero, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science
Allyson Skene, Centre for Teaching and Learning
Lorna Stolarchuk, Centre for TeachingĀ and Learning
Nick Baker, Office of Open Learning
Mark Lubrick, Office of Open Learning