
Book Title: Learning Analytics in Higher Education: A Practical Guide

Author: Nobuko Fujita

Cover image for Learning Analytics in Higher Education: A Practical Guide

Book Description: The purpose of this project was to understand how postsecondary educators perceived the emergent technology of learning analytics and to create a best practices guide for those interested in implementing learning analytics at their institutions. To understand how different university stakeholders perceived the available metrics in a variety of learning management systems, we conducted an exploratory, mixed-methods study at a mid-sized Ontario university. Survey and focus group data were collected and analyzed to examine the perspectives of faculty instructors, students, administrators, and support staff of their familiarity and knowledge of learning analytics for teaching and learning, as well as their interpretations of graphic representations of student activity in LMSs. The findings suggest that educators recognize the potential of learning analytics for student support, report limited usability in current visualizations, and privacy and the ethics of using student data. It is hoped that this practical guide will assist users in going beyond superficial measures of course activity or incorrect interpretations of data to harness the power of learning analytic tools in teaching and learning in higher education.

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Book Information

Book Description

The purpose of this project was to develop a practical guide for postsecondary educators to explore the potential of learning analytics for teaching and decision making. We conducted an exploratory, mixed-methods study investigating different university stakeholders’ perceptions of available metrics in a variety of learning management systems. Survey and focus group data were collected and analyzed to examine perspectives of faculty instructors, students, administrators, and support staff of available graphic representations and dashboards for teaching and learning. The findings indicated the potential of learning analytics to identify students in need of instructor intervention as well as concerns with privacy and the ethics of using student data, It is hoped that this practical guide will assist users in going beyond superficial measures of course activity or incorrect interpretations of data to harness the power of learning analytic tools in teaching and learning in higher education.


Nobuko Fujita



Society and Social Sciences


Learning Analytics in Higher Education: A Practical Guide
Nobuko Fujita
Primary Subject
Society and Social Sciences
Additional Subject(s)
Education, Educational strategies and policy
University of Windsor
Publisher City
Publication Date
May 15, 2018