
Contributing Artists

Laura Corsiglia is an artist working in drawing, painting, books and ephemeral practices. Her work considers people and animals, dreams, mountains and wild thoughts. Born in Vancouver, she was raised in Gitlaxt’aamiks, a Nisga’a First Nation community in the Nass valley of northern BC, attending Nisga’a Elementary Secondary School. She graduated with an MFA degree from the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Currently based in California, she co-founded Bird Ally X, a nonprofit rescuing and rehabilitating injured wild animals and releasing them back to the wild.
Trevor Isaac is a Kwakwaka’wakw artist specializing in two dimensional design. As a child, Isaac always loved traditional art but didn’t practice the art form until he was in high school. Today, most of Isaac’s art is dedicated ceremonial purposes in his home community of Alert Bay. While creating the crest figures, Isaac feels his cultural knowledge assists his depiction of the unique crest of his peoples. Since birth, Isaac has been immersed into the cultural practices of his peoples. Although born and raised in Kwakwaka’wakw territory, Isaac has ties to many other language groups from the Pacific Northwest Coast. In addition to being a traditional artist, Isaac is also a traditional Singer and Dancer during potlatch ceremonies. He is a Hereditary Chief within his family and is a valued member of the U’mista Cultural Centre staff in Alert Bay, BC since 2010.
Una-Ann is a Tahltan/Tlingit Westcoast Artist, from northern British Columbia. She presently is living in Langley, B.C. Una-Ann has worked as a Cultural Presenter and an Aboriginal Support Worker in the Langley School District for the past twenty-five years. Una-Ann has established herself as an Artist and Clothing Designer. Incorporating her traditional designs with a contemporary flair she works in various mediums. Una-Ann enjoys sharing her knowledge of Aboriginal Culture and Westcoast Art with others. Her artwork, clothing and accessories can be seen at Aboriginal Art exhibitions, Conferences, Arts & Craft Shows and Cultural Festivals.
PENÁĆ – G. David Underwood
PENÁĆ TŦE NE SNÁ, I, U, ĆSE LÁ,E SEN EṮ W̱SÁNEĆ. I, ĆȺI SEN ȻEĆÁ, TŦE SENĆOŦEN SḰÁL ȻE SṮI,ENs TW̱E HELISET.PENÁĆ is my ancestral W̱SÁNEĆ name. I am from W̱SÁNEĆ. I work with the SENĆOŦEN language because I want it to live. I have taught SENĆOŦEN from nursery to grades 11, in both immersion and language exposure settings. I currently teach SENĆOŦEN with the University of Victoria (UVic) in the W̱SENĆOŦEN,IST Program and I am a partner in the NEȾOLṈEW̱ research project.I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A., 2011), majoring in Visual Arts and a minor in Film studies. I also have a Masters of Education in Indigenous Language Revitalization (M.Ed., 2017) – both of which are from UVic. My masters project is an auto-ethnographic account of my SENĆOŦEN learning, which asks, “SX̱ENI,EṈ YEW̱ ȻNES TW̱E SENĆOŦEN? – How is that I have come to speak SENĆOŦEN?”


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Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science, Book 2 Copyright © 2018 by Gloria Snively and Wanosts'a7 Lorna Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.