
Appendix B

The metaphor questions for chapters 4, 5, and 6.

Set A: The Students’ Metaphors for the Seashore

If the seashore were one or more of the following six images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

Set #1
factory painting house
battleground legend gift
Set #2
farm  dance graveyard
blackberry bush totem pole hotel
Set #3
cannery necklace town
pin cushion playground song
Set #4
pot-luck dinner patchwork quilt family
jewel spaceship garden

Set B: The Students’ Metaphors for the Animals, Objects and Events at the Seashore

If a barnacle were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

thumb tack fisherman song
house rock

If a seagull were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

spear robber pearl
janitor dance

If seaweed were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

garden banana peel curtain
forest patchwork quilt

If a crab were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

robot pair of pliers mobile house
feast garbage collector

If cobblestone were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

umbrella hairbrush community
totem pole hotel

If a tidal pool were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

painting store town
dance war

If a sea star were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

spaceship can opener flower
robber jewel

If the tide were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

song mop bowling ball
legend gift

If the sun were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

jewel furnace gift
factory lamp

If mud were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

pillow tunnel piano
city pot-luck dinner

If a clam were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

dance legend potlatch
necklace vacuum cleaner

If sea water were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

diamond soup theatre
dance factory

If a sea anemone were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

garden flower mouse-trap
dress person

If sand were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

graveyard sandcastle theatre
mattress bullets

If a sea urchin were one or more of the following images, which one or ones would it be? Why?

sun burst spaceship lawn mower
farmer pin cushion

Set C: If You Were A…

If you were a crab, would you most like to be a:

hermit crab edible crab purple shore crab

If you were a starfish, would you most like to be a:

sunflower star sun star purple star

If you were a rock, would you most like to be a:

boulder sand grain polished beach pebble

If you were a bird, would you most like to be a:

bald eagle raven seagull

If you were a fish, would you most like to be a:

sculpin blenny salmon

If you were a type of seashore, would you most like to be a:

rocky shore cobblestone beach sandy beach
mud flat

If you were the weather, would you most like to be a:

sunny day rainy day
stormy day

If you were a mammal, would you most like to be a:

seal sea lion killer whale

If you were the wind, would you most like to be a:

windy day gentle breeze hurricane

If you were the tide, would you most like to be a:

low tide high tide ebb tide

If you were a boat, would you most like to be a:

sail boat ferry boat fishing boat

If you were anything you wanted to be at the seashore, what would you most like to be? Why?

Set D: The Students’ Own Relationship to the Seashore

I am to the seashore as a… and why?

Set 1 driver is to a car passenger is to a car mechanic is to a car
Set 2 story teller is to a story listener is to a story animal is to a story
Set 3 manager is to a hockey team hockey puck is to a hockey team uniform is to a hockey team
Set 4 leaves are to a tree roots are to a tree bark is to a tree
Set 5 lock is to a necklace bead is to a necklace string is to a necklace
Set 6 fruit is to a blackberry bush thorn is to a blackberry bush flower is to a blackberry bush
Set 7 owner is to a fishing boat captain is to a fishing boat deckhand is to a fishing boat
Set 8 window is to a house door is to a house roof is to a house
Set 9 cloth is to a curtain lace is to a curtain stitches are to a curtain


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Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science, Book 2 Copyright © 2018 by Gloria Snively and Wanosts'a7 Lorna Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.