
Final Grades

QuoteThe assignment of a grade is the responsibility of the “professor of record” for the course section, as shown in the student information system. The professor of record is … the professor assigned to teach the course…
-Fanshawe College Policy A112: Course Grade System, Section 3.4.1 [PDF]

Final Grading

It is mandatory to ensure your final grades are accurately entered in both FanshaweOnline (FOL) AND WebAdvisor.

Final grades are submitted to WebAdvisor as letter grades. This can be done in two ways: (1) manual entry directly in WebAdvisor or (2) using FOL Grade Transfer.

What is the date for the Final Grades?

The final grading deadline occurs at the end of the exam period. To find the date, you can check the Academic Calendar.

As an additional reminder, you will be emailed approximately 2 weeks in advance by the SIS Designate, with follow-up reminders at 1 week and 1 day. These emails will be sent to your fanshawec account.

Completing your Final Grades

Your gradebook must be accurate before you calculate your grades.

You can tell if there is a problem by a red “Note” at the top of the page, which indicates where the error is located (see below). Please contact your Educational Support Technologist for assistance in setting up your gradebook.

FOL Gradebook error message that says "Final Calculated Grad sums to 110%. Verify the total weight of all top level categores and itesm is 100%."
FOL Gradebook error message

FOL will complete a calculated grade based on the grades input; however, the grade transfer program uses the Final Adjusted Grade Column to make its conversion. The final adjusted grade allows you to review the number and adjust if desired. For example, 59.4 is a D+ and 59.5 is a C. Sometimes, a professor may feel justified in nudging a student over that grade boundary.

This decision is at your discretion. Our department has professors who don’t make any adjustments, professors who assess students at grade boundaries, and professors who round the whole class up to the nearest whole number.

Grade Changes

  • If you need to change a grade after grades have been verified, including updating an “I” grade to a final letter grade, you will need to consult with the SIS Designate – who can provide guidance on the steps involved in making the change(s).
  • An ‘I’ (Incomplete) grade is assigned only in extraordinary circumstances when a final grade is not available during the official reporting period. The professor submits an ‘I’ grade in cases where they assign a later deadline for a final assignment or schedule a supplemental examination. Please discuss assigning an I grade with your Program Coordinator and/or Academic Manager prior to assigning in WebAdvisor.
  • Once grades are verified by the Registrar’s Office, they cannot be changed on WebAdvisor. After verification, grades can only be changed by submitting a Grade Change Form for each individual student.

Final Grades” from School of Language and Liberal Studies by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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Lawrence Kinlin School of Business Copyright © 2025 by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.