
Midterm Grades

QuoteA mid-semester report is made available to all full-time post-secondary students, summarizing their academic status in each course.
-Fanshawe College Policy A112: Course Grade System, Section 3.7 [PDF]


Midterm grades are an important element in student success. These grades provide students with a clear understanding of their achievement in the course so far.

By the Midterm Grading deadline, you should have evaluated at least 25% of the final grade per Fanshawe’s commitment to student success. This will ensure that every student will have a good idea of where they stand at the halfway mark of the term and will allow all of our students to “step it up” should their midterm grades reflect the need to do so. This requirement is outlined in Section 2.2.5 of policy A131: Evaluation of Student Learning [PDF] as follows:

2.2.5. Professors must return the results of graded evaluations to students, representing no less than 25% of the final grade, prior to the date on which mid-term grades are recorded. If a course does not adhere to this policy statement, it must be communicated to students in the Course Outline or have been approved by the Academic Manager and communicated to students well in advance.

What is the date for Midterm Grades?

Midterm Grades generally occur around Week 7. To find the date, you can check the Academic Calendar.

As an additional reminder, you will be emailed approximately 2 weeks in advance by the SIS Designate, with follow-up reminders at 1 week and 1 day. These emails will be sent to your @fanshawec.ca email account. These email reminders will include reminder tutorials.

Midterm Grading Process

  1. Click on WebAdvisor and log in.
  2. Click on the ‘Faculty’ tab.
  3. Under ‘Faculty Information,’ click on the ‘Grading’ hyperlink.
  4. Choose the appropriate term.
  5. Midterm grades are entered as  ‘S’ (Satisfactory, 60% or above) or ‘U’ (Unsatisfactory, 59% or below) for each student.
  6. A ‘U’ grade can be given to students who are not attending class, or missing submitted labs/assignments.  Faculty can use the comments to provide an explanation for the U grade.
  7. Midterm grades should reflect a minimum of 25% of the course content by the midterm grading deadline.

How Long Do I Have to Keep Midterms, Exams, and Records of Grades?

Professors’ records of student grades for tests, assignments, progress reports, anecdotal notes and other activities on which end-of-term grades are based must be retained for at least one year after use. If the records are accessed for an appeal, ‘I’ grade, or any other official purpose, the records must be retained for one year after the last actual use of the records. Please refer to Policy A112: Course Grade System [PDF] for more information.

Help Documents for Midterm Grading

Three handouts and an instructional video are provided to help you complete this task.

The handouts are:

Video: “FOL Tools Midterm Grading Calculation and Submission” by Fanshawe OD&L [12:23] is licensed under the Standard YouTube License. Transcript and closed captions available on YouTube.


Midterm Grades” from School of Language and Liberal Studies by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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Lawrence Kinlin School of Business Copyright © 2025 by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.