Module 2: Steps in designing a market research project

Learning Objectives

In module 2, students will learn how to:

  1. Define the five steps to effectively design and implement a market research project.
  2. Identify the significance and importance of accurately identifying a market research decision problem.
  3. Utilize considerations in research design such as data collection methods, timing, budget, and target population.
  4. Combine insights from various data collection methods in market research, including surveys, interviews, and focus groups.
  5. Recognize the significance of accurate and rigorous data analysis in ensuring reliable research outcomes.
  6. Assess the impact of data-supported recommendations on influencing strategic decisions in a real-world context.

A recommended set of five steps should be followed in order to accomplish the goals of gathering insights and finding solutions through market research. While following a set of steps may seem like a lot of work or take too long to solve problems, the time invested in going through the steps will ultimately pay off in the form of research-driven solutions. This module outlines the five steps to designing a market research project; however, individual steps will be covered in greater detail throughout the book.


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