Book Title: Introduction to Market Research

Book Description: The Introduction to Market Research open education resource was created to support instructors and students to explore the steps to create a market research project in a Canadian context.
Book Information
Book Description
Market research is information that helps marketers understand customers, competitors, and changes in consumer behaviour to help make more informed decisions. The goal of this resource is to help new and emerging marketing students to understand why market research matters and to understand the components of identifying a marketing research problem, designing a research framework, executing the research, and analyzing the data with the ultimate goal to be able to make data-driven decisions. This resource will cover primary and secondary research tools as well as qualitative and quantitative approaches within a Canadian context. Over the course of nine modules, students will learn basic market research skills that will help them design a market research project.
Introduction to Market Research Copyright © by Julie Fossitt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Market research