Land acknowledgement

Paul Carl

As educators and students living in the area known as Ka’tarohwi/Àkàdanakwìng, now called Kingston, it is our responsibility to acknowledge that we live and gather to learn on the traditional lands of the Anishinabe (Mississauga, Algonquin) and Haudenosonee (Kanien’keha (Mohawk)) nations. We also acknowledge that these nations still are present on this territory. 
We agree to live and learn in a respectful way with all of Creation and respect the treaties of these nations. 
As some of us live and learn in other territories,  we will acknowledge and respect the nations and all treaties of the territory we live in. We are committed to acting on our acknowledgement by supporting Indigenous healing, sovereignty, and self-determination.


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Introduction to Market Research Copyright © by Paul Carl is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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