
Putting on and Removing PPE


Putting On PPE

1. Perform hand hygiene.
Use an alcohol-based hand solution unless contradicted according to client’s diagnosis (e.g., Clostridium difficile).
2. Put on a gown.
Velcro or tie securely at the neck and waist, ensuring the back area is covered.
3. Put on a mask / N95 respirator.
Mask should cover the nose and placed under the chin.
Mould the metal piece to the shape of your nose.
Ensure N95 respirators are properly sealed around face.
4. Put on protective eyewear.
Place over the mask.
5. Put on gloves.
Choose a proper fit to avoid tearing or falling off hands. Gloves should not be too tight or too loose. Glove cuff should fit over the gown when worn.


Watch the following video that demonstrates and explains each step on how to put on PPE:


Removing PPE

1. Remove the gloves.
Use glove to glove, skin to skin technique.
Discard immediately into the appropriate waste receptacle after removing. 
2. Remove the gown.
Untie at waist, then untie at the neck.
When removing the gown, avoid touching the outside layer of the gown to prevent contamination of clothing.
Pull gown away from the body, roll the gown inward and away from the body so the contaminated outside layer of the gown rolls inward and towards each other.
3. Perform hand hygiene.
Use an alcohol-based hand solution unless contradicted according to client’s diagnosis.
4. Remove protective eyewear. 
Remove eyewear by touching the sides of the goggles or headband of the face shield.
Avoid touching the front of the protective eyewear as this is considered contaminated.
Discard the protective eyewear into the appropriate waste receptacle.
5. Remove mask / N95 respirator
Remove mask/N95 respirator by touching the side ties or loops or straps.
Avoid touching the front of the mask as this is considered contaminated.
If the mask has ties or a N95  respirator, untie the bottom tie first, then the top tie. Or if a N95 mask, lift the bottom strap and remove, then the top strap.
Bend slightly forward and pull mask away from the face.
Discard into the appropriate waste receptacle.
6. Perform hand hygiene.
Use an alcohol-based hand solution unless contradicted according to client’s diagnosis.

Watch the following video that demonstrates and explains each step on how to remove PPE: 

For more information on putting on and taking off PPE, please review Public Health Ontario guidelines at https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/B/2012/bp-rpap-healthcare-settings.pdf?la=en



Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee, Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion. (2012). Routine practices and additional precautions in all health care settings (3rd ed.).  Public Health Ontario. https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/B/2012/bp-rpap-healthcare-settings.pdf?la=en


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An Interprofessional Virtual Gaming Simulation: Breaking the Chain of Transmission Copyright © by Michelle Hughes; Carol Stefopulos; and Siobhan Doyle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.