
The Interprofessional Virtual Gaming Simulation: Breaking the Chain of Transmission

The interprofessional virtual gaming simulation (VGS) on breaking the chain of infection is based on a scenario with a team of interprofessional healthcare providers addressing an infection control situation. As you play the game, you will be asked questions based on the scenario and you will need to choose the best action. When you choose correctly, the virtual simulation will continue to play onto the next video and decision point. If you choose the incorrect or not the best answer, you will receive feedback asking you to reflect on the answer you chose. You will be given another chance to select the correct answer.  

For the best experience while playing the virtual game, it is recommended that you have access to high-speed internet, and Google Chrome or Firefox as a web browser, to help avoid delays.


How to Play An Interprofessional Virtual Gaming Simulation – Breaking the Chain of Transmission


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Click ‘Next: Interprofessional Virtual Gaming Simulation’ on the bar in the bottom right corner to get to the next page.

On the ‘Interprofessional Virtual Gaming Simulation’ page you will have a choice to play the game with or without closed captioning.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

An Interprofessional Virtual Gaming Simulation: Breaking the Chain of Transmission Copyright © by Michelle Hughes; Carol Stefopulos; and Siobhan Doyle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.