

When you look around our world today, do you feel we are grasping an effective understanding of it? An understanding in our relationships, our ability to obtain and grasp information, our ability to hold our institutional leaders responsible for the decisions they make, and our ability to augment our knowledge to answer the tough questions that benefit the advancement of our society. The Interdisciplinarity Reformation attempts to take a look from our earliest history, to the present, and into the future to discuss the role of interdisciplinarity and create a new way of thinking for the advancement of learning. The first part of this book, chapters 1-7, outline the history of interdisciplinarity as an inherent biological, psychological, and sociological tool that humans have used to advance learning, life, and society leading into our modern times. The second part of this book, chapter 8-11, outline the current state of interdisciplinarity and the issues inside institutions, which create a wedge between knowledge and understanding. These problems go against the concept of interdisciplinarity, through untrustworthy policy, oppression, hypocrisy, and illogical frameworks of knowledge that are hindering and potentially dangerous to the world of epistemology.

This reformation will present readers a view of interdisciplinarity and the foundational components that have been present throughout human history. You might ask, why is there a problem with interdisciplinarity now? What this book outlines are the questionable and potentially, malevolent ideals that have been pervasive in our society that go against the forms of logic and reason. This will be a catalyst towards a reform for epistemological connections in logic, ethics and emotion that relate to us as autonomous individuals that impact our learning, life, and society.


The Interdisciplinarity Reformation Copyright © 2020 by Carson Babich. All Rights Reserved.