
Module 3 – Wiidooktaadyang as a Way of Being and Self-Determination in Service Delivery

Eagle in the woodland art style.

Aanin kina wiya! Hello everybody! Migizi ndizhnikaas. My name is Eagle. Welcome to Module 3. I will be walking alongside you as your helper in Module 3. Let’s begin …

Module 3 Learning Outcomes

By the end of Module 3, you will be able to:​

  • Describe Wiidooktaadyang as a philosophy and set of values carried by NFN citizens
  • Articulate how relationship and meeting people where they are at can be examples of competent service delivery
  • Consider how community values and the philosophy of Wiidooktaadyang challenge your way of thinking about ‘helping one another’ through service delivery
  • Explain how Nipissing First Nation is working towards self-determination by breaking away from colonial health policy in unique and creative ways
  • Contrast the Canada Health Act and mainstream health care service with the values underlying the Wiidooktaadyang Service Model
  • Apply this learning to a real-world context

Module 3 Connections

There are 4 learning connections in Module 3. You will demonstrate your learning in each connection with a checkpoint exercise to prove you’ve been there. Module 3 concludes with a finish point designed to demonstrate your learning through a practice scenario.

  1. Defining Wiidooktaadyang as a no wrong door, relationship, and community strengths-based approach
  2. Reconstituting a model of service delivery that reflects NFN values
  3. Wiidooktaadyang reflects community ownership, collaboration, and self-determination
  4. Finish Point: Acting on your learning through a learning scenario

Eagle in the woodland art style.

To move on to Connection 1, click on the “Next: Connection 1: Wiidooktaadyang: A No Wrong Door, Community Strengths-Based Approach  →” button at the bottom right hand corner of this page.


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Wiidooktaadyang (We are Helping one Another) Copyright © 2023 by Nipissing First Nation and Nipissing University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.