
Connection 7: Grounding Learning in an Anishinaabe Perspective

Bear in the woodland art style.

In Connection 7, you will ground your learning in an Anishinaabe perspective and worldview. You will hear an Anishinaabe creation story. This story is one of many and has important ties to the Nbisiing Nishnaabeg.

Cradling the Heart: An Anishinaabek Creation Story

Painting of the Cradling of the Heart creation story by Terry Dokis.

Cradling the Heart: An Anishinaabek Creation Story (Dokis, 2020).

In the following video, Cradling The Heart [21:35], Terry Dokis shares an Anishinaabe creation story.

Video Transcript: Cradling the Heart [Doc]

Key Messages from the Video

This Creation Story is one of many. Among many important Teachings, this story describes:

  • Some of the important values within Anishinaabe culture;
  • How Anishinaabe came from the land and are strongly connected to the land and creation;
  • How relational connections are critical to understanding how to work in good relation with Anishinaabe people;
  • How humans and human relationships are important but do not have primacy in relation to everything else in creation.

Checkpoint 18: Reflection Response

After watching the video Cradling the Heart, reflect on it, then share your response.

  • Share one way that this Creation Story changed your own view of wellness?

Answer by either recording yourself speaking or by taking notes. Be sure to download a copy of your audio clip or notes before proceeding on. 

Connection 7 Summary

In Connection 7, we learned:

  • Anishinaabe values and knowledge are rooted to their Creation Stories.
  • These stories share the importance of the connection to land and creation.
  • These relational connections are critical to understanding how to work in good relationships with Anishinaabe people.

Bear in the woodland art style.

To move on to Connection 8, click on the “Next: Connection 8: Learning from Place: Wellness form the Nbisiing Nishnaabe Perspective →” button at the bottom right hand corner of this page.


Dokis, T. (2020). Cradling the heart: An Anishinaabek creation story [Video]. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/738725155/b702d1a803


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