In Connection 4, you will learn about the role of privilege in relationships, and you will relate and reflect on your own experiences.
The South: Relating to Connection Experiences
Relate and Reflect
We will begin to understand the role of unearned privilege in our lives. However uncomfortable it may be, uncovering the position we occupy is necessary for good relational connections with Indigenous peoples.
Read each of the 17 statements in Gilio-Whitaker’s Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack of Settler Privilege (Gilio-Whitaker, 2018). Carefully reflect on how each statement does or does not apply to you. Select either True if the statement applies or False if if the statement does not apply to you.
“If any of these statements are TRUE, you have some degree of unearned settler privilege or complicity in settler colonialism” (Gilio-Whitaker, 2018).
Checkpoint 10: Reflecting on Your Experience
Reflect on the Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack of Settler Privilege activity by answering the following two questions in the space provided below. To keep a copy of your responses, download them before moving on in the micro-credential.
- How does this activity make you think differently about your own identities, daily experiences, or relationships with Indigenous peoples?
- Reflecting on this activity and new perspectives you may have gained, is there anything you might consider acting upon or doing differently from now on?
Connection 4 Summary
In Connection 4, we learned:
- We may have some degree of unearned settler privilege or complicity in settler colonialism.
- Acknowledging this unearned privilege is important for building authentic relationships with Indigenous peoples.
To move on to Connection 5, click on the “Next: Connection 5: A Primer on the Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health →” button at the bottom right hand corner of this page.
Gilio-Whitaker, D. (2018, November 8). Unpacking the invisible knapsack of settler privilege. Beacon Broadside.