care partners

Care partners are family and friends who are involved in helping to care for the client

collaborative interventions

Interventions that are developed with the client, not for the client.


Symptoms or signs that signal a potential concern that may need to be investigated further (e.g., headaches)

cultural safety

Creation of safe spaces for clients to interact with health professionals without judgment, racial reductionism, racialization, or discrimination.


To worsen or increase in severity

focused assessments

Assessments specific to a health issue and usually limited to one or two body systems.

health history

A term often used in reference to, or in place of, the complete subjective health assessment.

objective data

Information that the health professional collects when performing a physical exam.

primary source

Data provided by the client.

Review of the Systems

Questions specific to each body system.

secondary sources

Data provided by someone other than the client.


Something that the health professional observes.

strength-based approach

An approach or philosophy that focuses on empowerment, views the client as resourceful, and emphasizes their strengths, but does not ignore their challenges.

subjective data

Information that the client shares with the health professional.


Something that the client feels.

unconditionally accepting way of being

Behaviour of accepting the client, respecting their right to self-determination, and supporting them regardless of our perception of what they say or do.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

The Complete Subjective Health Assessment Copyright © 2019 by Jennifer Lapum; Oona St-Amant; Michelle Hughes; Paul Petrie; Sherry Morrell; and Sita Mistry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.