
31 Lernen vs studieren, Schule vs Studium

Lernen vs studieren, Schule vs Studium

Like English, German has two different verbs: studieren (to study) and lernen (to learn). Despite looking like their English relatives, their meanings are slightly different.

‘Studieren’ means ‘to study’ in the sense of ‘to major in’. The word ‘lernen’ also means ‘to study’ but in the sense of learning something new.

To say what you are studying at the University, say: “Ich studiere … ” but if you studying for an exam, say: “Ich lerne für ein Examen.

Also, the word die Schule (school) includes elementary, middle and high school only. It does not include studies at college or university. Therefore, to refer to your school (meaning your studies at McMaster) you must use the word ‘das Studium’.

    • e.g. I need that for my school = Ich brauche das für mein Studium.


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