
13 Alles klar? – Alles klar!

Alles klar? – Alles klar!


‘Alles klar?’ is a Jack of all trades phrase and could mean a lot of different things. Generally, it refers to ‘presence of a problem’ and means something along the lines of a friendly ‘Is there a problem?’

Thus, as a question, it could mean:

“Everything’s good? / Are you ok? / Is everything working? / Did you understand?”

As an answer, it could mean:

“All good! / I am (we are) ok! / Everything works! / I got it!”

Thus, theoretically, a conversation could look something like this:

– Alles klar?

– Alles klar!

Slightly more advanced:

You can also use this phrase to ask how someone is doing by adding ‘bei dir’ (informal, more personal) or ‘bei Ihnen’ for more distant relationships.

For example, when asking a friend, you would say: “Alles klar bei dir?“, but when talking to your prof, you would have to say “Alles klar bei Ihnen?


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