
8 Basic Personal Information

  • heißen = to be called;
  • studieren = to study;
  • kommen aus = to come from;
  • wohnen in = to live in

When speaking formally, you would say:

  • Wie heißen Sie?

Ich heiße Sabine. (lit. What are you called? –> I am called Sabine.)

  • Was studieren Sie?

Ich studiere Ingenieurwesen. (What do you study? –> I study engineering.)

  • Woher kommen Sie?

Ich komme aus Waterloo. (Where do you come from? –> I come from Waterloo.)

  • Wo wohnen Sie?

Ich wohne in Hamilton.(Where do you live? –> I live in Hamilton.)

When speaking informally, the above questions will have -st du instead of -en Sie:

  1. Wie heißt du?
  2. Was studierst du?
  3. Woher kommst du?
  4. Wo wohnst du?

Nerd alert! In the first question, the s in -st is dropped because ß is ’ss‘ and, therefore, there is no need for another ’s’

Situation 1:

 (Partner activity): Partner A (a student) has applied for  a job on campus and has been invited for an interview. Partner B (the interviewer) starts the interview about confirming  the basic personal information with the student. Don’t forget to exchange greeting and to speak formally!

Situation 2:

Partner A has been assigned to do group work with Partner B for their communications class. Neither partner knows each other at all and Partner A really doesn’t like group work. Partner A is eager to leave!  Practice introducing yourself to each other as Partner A or Partner B.

Partner B: Hallo! Wie heißt du?

Partner A: Hallo, Ich heiße _______. Und du?

Partner B Ich heiße ________ !

Partner A : Schön für dich! Tschüß!

Partner B: Auf Wiedersehen!

Aufgabe 1. Complete the sentences by filling in the verb endings.

Note: do this exercise after we learned the ‘simple verbs’ (iche dust 10 10)

    1. Wie heiß__ du?
    2. Was studier__ Sie?
    3. Ich komm__ aus Deutschland.
    4. Wohn__ Sie in Berlin?
    5. Du komm__ aus Italien!
    6. Ich studier___ Journalismus!

Aufgabe 2. Form questions using the given words.  Vorsicht!/Attention! The words may not be given in correct order.

  1. Wie – Sie – heißen – ?         _________________________________________________________
  2. Woher – du – kommen – ?  _________________________________________________________
  3. Sie – wo – wohnen – ?        _________________________________________________________
  4. Studieren – du – was – ?     _________________________________________________________

Aufgabe 3. Two students are speaking casually with each other.  Complete the dialogue. 

Carry:  Woher _______________ du? 

Fatema:  Ich _______________  aus dem Irak, aber ich _______________ jetzt in Kanada.   Und wo _______________ du?   

Carry:  Ich  _______________ auch in Kanada.  

_______________ du an McMaster Universität?   

Fatema:  Ja, ich _______________ an McMaster.  

Carry:  Toll!  Ich auch!


German Through Stories Copyright © by Dr. Nik Penner. All Rights Reserved.