4 Beyond danke/bitte

Beyond danke/bitte

Note: we will cover this section closer to the second half of the course.

You already know how to use phrases ‘danke schön!’ and ‘bitte schön!’, but since thanking people is very important, it will be useful to learn a few more ways to thank people and to say ‘you are welcome’. Here are the most common ones:

Other ways to say ‘danke’:

  • vielen Dank! = many thanks
  • danke sehr! = thanks a lot
  • Tausend Dank! = thousand thanks!

Other ways to say ‘you are welcome’:

  • gerne / gern geschehen! = gladly!/ gladly done! (something like ‘my pleasure’)
  • nichts zu danken! = nothing to thank for! (meaning: ‘not a problem’
  • Nicht dafür / dafür nicht! = not for that! (similar to ‘never mind’)


German Through Stories Copyright © by Dr. Nik Penner. All Rights Reserved.

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