37 University Education in Germany

University Education in Germany

In Germany, university education is not only free or almost free (500 Euro per term only in some Federal lands, completely free in others), but also offers a great flexibility allowing each student to considerably vary the length of their studies.

Therefore, instead of the year number we use in Canada (someone may be, e.g. a third-year student), German students normally keep track of the number of term they are currently completing.

So, in Germany, instead of saying that you are a first-year linguistics student, you would say:

    • “Ich studiere Linguistik im ersten/zweiten Semester.”
    • (“I am studying linguistics in the first/second term.”)

Also, see section A: Studienfächer in Teil 3: Grammar & Wordlists to find your major. Then select what term you are currently in:

    • im zweiten (2nd)
    • im dritten (3rd)
    • im vierten (4th)
    • im fünften (5th)
    • im sechsten (6th)
    • im siebten (7th)
    • im achten (8th)
    • im neunten (9th)
    • im zehnten(10th)

Other things you need to know about studying in Germany:

    • There are only two terms per year: October-March & April – September;
    • More often than not, 100% of the grade is allocated to the final paper;
    • University students receive a number of substantial discounts most notably on public transportation & meals in the university cafeteria (Mensa) which are really cheap for them.


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