10 Wie findest du?

Wie findest du?

Here is another Jack of all trades you are likely to hear often: “Wie findest du … ?” or the more formal version “Wie finden Sie … ?

It means ‘How do you like?’ or ‘ What do you think about …?’

zum Beispiel: “Wie findest du den Film?” (How do you like the movie?)

Please note the accusative form of the word you are asking about, e.g. den Film (object) in the question above as opposed to der Film (the doer).

You can answer this question with quite a few words & phrases, the most common of which include:

positive: toll, fantastisch, prima, super, ganz gut, voll krass (colloquial)

neutral: in Ordnung, ok, so-so

negative: schlecht, furchtbar, dumm, bescheuert (stupid), verrückt (crazy)

negative colloquial: Scheiße, beschissen

Other frequently used answers are:

    • langweilig – boring
    • interessant – interesting


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