14 Responding to “Wie geht es dir/Ihnen?”
Responding to responding to “Wie geht es dir/Ihnen?”
In real life conversations, you might want to elaborate on someone’s answer to your ‘Wie geht’s? / Wie geht es Ihnen?’ or might want to give a different answer than ‘gut und dir/Ihnen?’
- Auch (nicht) gut! (Also [not] good!)
- Überhaupt nicht gut! (Not good at all!)
- Was ist los / Was ist passiert? (What’s wrong? / What happened?)
- (Es) tut mir leid! (I am sorry [about that]!)
- Freut mich fur dich/Sie! (I am happy for you/You!)
Situation 1: Ein schlechter Tag (a bad day). Everyone you see today seems to be having a bad day! First, think of a personal reason, why your day is not going well and write it here:
Now, ask three people how they are doing.
When answering, choose one of the following reasons. Connect it to your personal reason using ‘und’
- ich habe zu viel zu tun! (too much to do)
- ich bin müde! (tired, sounds like ‘moody’)
- mein Hamster ist krank! (sick, sounds like ‘cranky’)
Situation 2: Ein guter Tag. Everyone you see today seems to be having an awesome day! First, think of a personal reason why your day is going really well. Write it here:
When answering, choose one of the following reasons. Connect it to your personal reason using ‘und’
- Ich habe hundert Dollar gefunden!
- Ich habe 100% für einen Test bekommen!
- Ich habe gerade (just) Scarlett Johansson gesehen!