Getting Started

Navigating this Modulescreen capture of Pressbooks navigation buttons



Pressbooks uses navigation buttons at the bottom of each page, to help you easily move between pages. These buttons scroll as you do, so you can see them at all times without going to the bottom of a page.

screen capture of Pressbooks table of contents


You can also use the table of contents found at the top left of the page. The “+” button will further expand the list.








Text Box Legend

Before beginning, it is important to acknowledge the significance of the various boxes you will encounter throughout this program:

Learning Objectives

Dark blue boxes will present the learning objectives for each module.

Key Takeaways

Royal blue boxes will consist of text-based information and resources that will explain ideas and concepts so that students can better understand the information provided in each module.


Yellow boxes will consist of interactive content for students to apply the information they have learned from the modules.


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Post-Secondary 101: The First-Year Transition (eCO 2022) Copyright © 2022 by University of Windsor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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