
Welcome to Post-Secondary 101: The First Year Transition!

By leveraging the expertise offered across institutional units, this program aims to support first-year students transitioning into post-secondary by providing interactive content in an asynchronous online module format. It consolidates meaningful transition resources and encourages students’ self-regulated academic skills, feelings of connectedness, and professional knowledge and identities (Kinzie & Kuh, 2017; Lane et al., 2019; Tinto & Pusser, 2006).

This module, designed for students by students, will eliminate some of the navigational burdens associated with finding and obtaining support and post-secondary-specific resources. It will provide guidance to help students efficiently identify their needs and select corresponding modules and supports.



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Post-Secondary 101: The First-Year Transition (eCO 2022) Copyright © 2022 by University of Windsor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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