
3 Curriculum Outline

The infographic below outlines the topics covered for each section. This information can also be found using the Table of Contents.

Curriculum Outline

Schedule and Logistics

The non-credit transition support module can be accessed at any time at Post-Secondary 101: The First Year Transition (https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/firstyear/).


This module will be asynchronous, meaning you will be expected to complete modules on your own time and at your own discretion. The online module will be available for students at any time using the permalink above, but your enrolment within your institution’s learning management site will end upon completion of your first term of study. In order to receive recognition for your participation, you will need to complete all assessment requirements prior to the Voluntary Withdrawal date of your first semester. See your school’s important dates to confirm that information (you can typically just Google your school’s name + “important dates” to find them easily).

Program Description 

By leveraging the expertise offered across institutional units, this module aims to support first-year students transitioning into post-secondary by providing interactive content in an asynchronous online modular format. Post-Secondary 101: The First-Year Transition consolidates meaningful transition resources and encourages students’ self-regulated academic skills, feelings of connectedness, and professional knowledge and identities (Kinzie & Kuh, 2017; Lane et al., 2019; Tinto & Pusser, 2006). Designed by students for students, this support program will eliminate some of the navigational burden associated with finding and obtaining the resources and support you need to succeed. Completing these modules will help you efficiently identify your needs and build skills important for success.


Designed as a “Choose-Your-Own-Adventure” type of learning experience, you will navigate the program on your own time. It is designed for students to focus on specific module sections and topics at the preference of the individual, as incoming first-year transition students often have varying prior knowledge and skills. Some of the provided support may be more beneficial to certain students, while other areas of support may benefit others; therefore, the program is structured for students to choose how, what, and when to learn.

As an asynchronous modules, you have the ability to work through the program at your own pace. For example, limited engagement with interactive content may take 30 to 45 minutes for module completion, whereas full engagement with interactive content and the end of module assignments could take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour per module.

Assignments and Assessments

Program Credit

This is not a credit course, but rather a non-credit transition support program. Students who complete all modules and assessment tasks will be better prepared with the necessary tools to handle the rigours of post-secondary education. You will receive formal recognition as a notation on your academic transcript.  

Interactive Content

Each module will have interactive content as “module assignments” to allow you to apply the resources and support in a tangible manner. The interactive content found within the modules is not graded but rather is intended to enable you to gauge your understanding and comprehension of the material included in the module. 


Each module will conclude with a small quiz designed to assess your comprehension and ability to practically apply the skills learned. You will have multiple opportunities to showcase your understanding of core ideas and reflect on your development 
