
UWindsor Specific Support

In this section, you will find various campus services offered at the University of Windsor with their description and links to more information.

Academic and Enrolment Support Services

Campus Service Description Information and Contact
Academic Advising The Academic Advising centre aids students in choosing or changing a program, understanding degree requirements, adding, withdrawing or dropping a course, and reviewing academic progress.  https://www.uwindsor.ca/success/advising
Academic Data Centre The Academic Data Centre is located on the first floor of Leddy Library and serves the University of Windsor community. Librarians and data experts at the ADC provide a wide variety of services to the university faculty, staff, students, and researchers in all disciplines seeking to employ data science tools and methodologies in their research and teaching. https://leddy.uwindsor.ca/key-service-areas/adc
Academic Integrity Office Academic integrity is more than just plagiarism and cheating. It means centring your academic journey around the core values of honesty, respect, fairness, and responsibility. At the University of Windsor, we expect our students, faculty, and staff to contribute to a positive environment where academic integrity is upheld in all of our work.

The University of Windsor advocates for academic integrity through honesty, education, and enforcement. We aim to create a positive learning environment where individuals learn from the resources and ideas of others while generating their own thoughts and conclusions. We adopt a neutral administrative role when academic misconduct is alleged to have occurred. We ensure that all members involved understand their rights and responsibilities under the Senate Bylaw 31: Academic Integrity and the Student Code of Conduct.

Campus Bookstore The Campus Bookstore is a division of Campus Services that provides valuable, supportive and integrated services to enhance the campus experience of our students and create a vibrant university community. https://www.uwindsor.ca/bookstore/
Centre for English Language Development (ELIP) ELIP focuses on developing English language and academic skills to meet the University of Windsor English proficiency requirements.   https://future.uwindsor.ca/english-language-improvement-program#elip-faqs
Bounce Back Bounce Back is a program designed to support students who are struggling to find success during their post-secondary experience. This program takes a holistic approach to student success. The program will focus on ways to increase your academic performance through effective learning strategies (i.e. time management, essay and exam preparation, etc.) but is also attentive to the other factors that can pose difficulties to first-year students (i.e. social adjustment, stress, mental health, etc.). https://www.uwindsor.ca/success/bounceback
Information Technology Services Information Technology Services provides a wide range of services to UWindsor’s faculty, staff and students in support of the University’s academic, research and administrative goals. IT’s reason for being is to ensure that the systems, applications, and processes serve the University’s Mission and are designed, implemented and operated efficiently and effectively. https://www.uwindsor.ca/itservices/

Leddy Library

The Leddy Library is the on-campus library at the University of Windsor. The library provides research help, computer help, and writing help. The Leddy catalogues are a valuable source of research information for students. Leddy Library also a variety of learning and study spaces available to students.


Learning and Research Support (Leddy Library)

Librarians and staff at Leddy provide specialized services and expertise to support students, faculty and the community. This can range from helping a new student to learn about effective research for their first assignment, to providing in-depth consultations with faculty and graduates on policies related to open access or research data management.


USciNetwork This interdisciplinary network brings together faculty and students from all Science programs to work collaboratively in providing a unique integrative support system with the goal of enriching the undergraduate student experience. https://www.uwindsor.ca/science/usci/


The Student Success and Leadership Centre offers free tutorials through the Skills to Enhance Personal Success (STEPS) program that are geared towards helping to develop study skills to achieve academic success in a university setting. STEPS online tutorials are free of charge and no registration is required to view them.


Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Student Accessibility Services provides services for students that have documented disabilities such as learning disabilities, vision and hearing impairments, and chronic medical conditions. SAS also offers advising, learning strategists, LD and ADHD coaching, and assistive technology   https://www.uwindsor.ca/studentaccessibility/


Student Success and Leadership Centre The Student Success and Leadership Centre offers a range of services including Head Start orientation to familiarize you with our campus and get registered for courses. UWindsor Welcome Week celebrates your first week on campus and helps you to connect with new friends and colleagues. We provide study and time management sessions through the STEPS program as well as Writing Support to help you with your academic writing skills. No matter what your current level, we can help you to enhance your skills to ensure you are ready for the rigours of University academics. You can even sign up for a senior student mentor through the Connecting4Success Program. https://www.uwindsor.ca/success/
Office of Student Experiences The Office of Student Experience is here to support your success both inside and outside of the classroom!

We offer programs and services that help students transition to and through university life, support students in maintaining their wellbeing and mental health, encourage leadership development, fund co-curricular activities, enhance student support and engagement, and assist with off-campus living!


University Print Shop Whether you are planning a large conference or a small event on campus or off campus, we can supply you with all your printed media.

If you are planning an event, please give us the opportunity to “quote”. We are working hard to provide you with quality products at competitive prices while offering our same great service.

The University Print Shop is owned and operated by the University of Windsor. Revenue from our Print Shop stays on campus and helps provide support for our student services, faculties and administrative areas.


UWinsite Student UWinsite Student is the University of Windsor’s student information platform.



Writing Support Desk

The Writing Support Desk is located on the main floor of Leddy Library and is a service that provides students with help regarding various aspects of their academic writing, including:

  • interpreting assignment prompts
  • constructing strong theses and arguments
  • grammar, punctuation, and syntax problems
  • analyzing and integrating sources
  • citing and referencing


University Directory Provides basic information and staff list https://www.uwindsor.ca/directory/department
Student Accounts Office (Finances) https://www.uwindsor.ca/finance/student-accounts
Office of the Registrar https://www.uwindsor.ca/registrar/
Student Awards and Financial Aid https://www.uwindsor.ca/studentawards/
UWin Card Office https://www.uwindsor.ca/uwincard/

Wellness Resources and Living Support

Campus Service Description Information and Contact
University of Windsor Students’ Alliance (UWSA) The University of Windsor Students’ Alliance (UWSA) is a legally-incorporated, non-profit, student-run organization. We are your undergraduate student government that represents the student voice, advocates students’ interests to the University and all levels of government, and provides services that enhance your student experience. We provide all-things student life, from clubs and societies, campus services, social justice campaigns, and student jobs. Every UWindsor full-time undergraduate student is a member of the UWSA, and we encourage you to take advantage of your membership. https://uwsa.ca/ and https://uwsa.ca/services/uwsa-office-services/
Mental Health Supports From time to time, students face obstacles that can affect academic performance. If you experience difficulties and need help, it is important to reach out to someone. For help addressing mental or physical health concerns on campus, contact (519) 253-3000:

My Student Support Program (MySSP) An immediate and fully confidential 24/7 mental health support that can be accessed for free through chat, online, and telephone. This service is available to all University of Windsor students and offered in over 30 languages. Call: 1-844-451-9700, visit https://keepmesafe.myissp.com/ or download the My SSP App in the Apple App Store/Google Play.
Student Health, Counselling, and Wellness Student Health, Counselling and Wellness Services is your one-stop shop to address your wellness needs at UWindsor. We assist students in understanding, developing, and fulfilling their own potential so that they can get the most out of their university experience while also managing the obstacles and challenges that come with it. Our office provides medical services, counselling options, wellness programming and resources to support you in your university journey. http://www.uwindsor.ca/wellness
Athletics and Recreational Services https://golancers.ca/
Campus Dental Centre Located in the CAW Student Centre at the University of Windsor. Provides dental care to students, faculty, and staff as well as families in our community https://www.campusdentalcentre.ca/
Campus Food Pantry The UWSA Food Pantry is open to all students with valid UWindsor Id and we welcome you to check us out.

Located in Room 233 of the CAW (next to the UWSA main office) the Food Pantry seeks to take a bite out of food security concerns with food aid assistance. You shouldn’t have to choose between food, rent, or textbooks.

The Food Pantry seeks to empower, aid, and build a culture that it is okay to receive assistance when needed. We are always looking for new people who want to get involved in the food movement, so join us, we will welcome you to the table to build a movement for good food for all.

Campus Police Campus Community Police ‘Special Constables’ are approved by the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and receive their official Special Constable appointment on behalf of the Windsor Police Services Board. This is one of the reasons there continues to be a close affiliation between Windsor Police and Campus Police.

Campus Community Police have many of the same powers and authorities for the campus as Windsor Police have for the Province of Ontario. These powers allow officers to investigate incidents, arrest persons, use reasonable force where necessary and bring offenders before the courts.

Authority for officers extends to all properties belonging to the University, the abutting side streets, and affiliated Colleges like Canterbury and Iona Colleges and Assumption University.

Peer Support Centre The Peer Support Centre is a drop-in centre where students from across campus can find a supportive peer to talk to. It’s a safe and inclusive space where trained peer support volunteers offer peer counselling to students.

Our volunteers are University of Windsor students who have gone through extensive training to better enable them to give support to their peers. The Peer Support Centre is a UWSA initiative, in collaboration with the Student Counselling Centre. We are also supported by Student & International Affairs.

Psychological Services and Research Centre Low-cost psychological services are provided by clinical trainees under the supervision of clinical psychologists from the Department of Psychology, all of whom are registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. https://www.uwindsor.ca/psychological-services-and-research-centre/
Sexual Assault and Misconduct Get support, give support.

If you are in need of support but aren’t sure what you should do or where you should go for help, you can start by speaking to Dusty at the Sexual Misconduct Response and Prevention Office. She is here to listen. What happens next is up to you. Please know that you can seek her support without any obligation to formally report. You can also seek support regardless of when the assault occurred — whether it was recently or a long time ago, you still deserve to be listened to.

Dusty can also help connect you with counselling and medical services, as well as other campus and community resources. She can provide information about your reporting options, both to the University and the police. If you choose to file a formal complaint, she can support you in the process. She can help arrange academic and workplace accommodations. Finally, she can help you with safety planning.

Student Counselling Centre Many students find counselling a helpful way to deal with difficult situations and feelings.  Whether you are experiencing a situational problem, an immediate crisis, or have a longstanding mental health concern, we are here to help. Our professional staff includes licensed Psychologists, Clinical Social Workers, and Registered Psychotherapists, as well as graduate student staff completing their degrees in a mental health field, and new professionals working toward licensure.

The Student Counselling Centre (SCC) is a space where registered students can access confidential mental health services at no additional cost to them.  We are committed to creating a welcoming, supportive space.  For those whose experiences of marginalization and oppression that may add extra layers to your distress – you and all your identities are welcome here.

University Pharmacy Windsor Student Centre Pharmacy is a community based pharmacy located in the CAW Student Centre. https://universitypharmacy.ca/locations/windsor/
Food Services Information on food services and meal plans https://www.uwindsor.ca/foodservices/
Parking Services Information on parking on campus, regulations, and campus maps https://www.uwindsor.ca/parking-services/
On Campus Residency Living in residence is an experience you’ll never forget. It can be the best time of your life, but it’s what you add to it that makes the difference. It’s your first step to independence, and we’re here to support you along the way.

Living on our campus puts you at the heart of a small community. It is the best way to get you connected to friends and campus life. If you are eager to be involved in campus activities and to meet like-minded individuals, residence is for you. Even if you are just looking to step outside of your comfort zone and explore new areas of interest, this is your chance!

Off Campus Residency If you want to live off campus, Places4Students.com is an off-campus housing service solution that can help you find your next home. https://www.places4students.com/Places/School?SchoolID=39v87rXuS8E%3d
Walksafe Walksafe is a free service provided for all students, faculty, employees and visitors at the University of Windsor.

Walksafe is a student-run, student-staffed volunteer program provided by the UWSA to ensure that everyone at the University of Windsor feels safe on our campus when travelling at night.

Feel free to use this free service anytime you want a walk to your home or car. It is simple to request a walk.

Student Medical Response Service (SMRS) The Student Medical Response Service (SMRS) is a student-run volunteer service that responds to any medical emergencies on campus. Dispatched by Campus Police, this service provides pre-hospital first aid and emergency care. SMRS also offers CPR and first aid courses to members and visitors on campus. http://www.uwindsor.ca/smrs/
Human Resources Human Resources supports and promotes the centred mission of the University by developing, facilitating and providing services and support that enhance opportunities to learn, live and grow. https://www.uwindsor.ca/humanresources/

Orientation and Transition

Campus Service Description Information and Contact
Student Orientation Congratulations on being admitted to the University of Windsor! Your orientation experience will begin this summer and will continue throughout your first year as a Lancer. We offer a variety of services to ease the transition for incoming first-year students here at the University of Windsor, including Head Start and Welcome Week! https://www.uwindsor.ca/orientation/
Head Start Head Start summer orientation program is designed for new students who are embarking on their post-secondary experience here at the University of Windsor.

Learn about some of the major differences between high school and university, discover ways to get involved on campus, connect with academic advisors, learn about life as a Lancer, and much more all from the comfort of your own home.

Welcome Week Welcome Week is the time for you to become a Lancer! It is a period that encompasses all of the different events planned for incoming students. The events are completely student-run, supported by staff, and are mainly coordinated by the Student Success and Leadership Centre, though other campus partners do host their own events as well. Welcome Week counts on our student staff, as well as the Faculty Leaders who proudly represent their Lancer spirit to that ensure incoming and returning students have the most entertaining and welcoming first week of their semester! https://www.uwindsor.ca/orientation/298/windsor-welcome-week
Support for Parents and Families We believe that students have the best chance for success at university when they feel supported by both their institution and their families. Parents can help by maintaining a balance between supporting their students and allowing them to achieve a sense of independence. The University of Windsor’s role is to provide information to both parents/family members and students to assist them in achieving this balance.

The transition to university is almost always challenging for all involved. The dynamics of university life have changed considerably over the past decade. The parent website will help you to make sense of how these changes may affect you and your student; especially during the first year.

This Parent Program is brought to you by the Student Success and Leadership Centre at the University of Windsor.

Transfer Student Central Academic Advising We can assist you with general support regarding how to read your Academic Progress Report, course registration, changing majors and introducing you to the University of Windsor’s policies and procedures. https://www.uwindsor.ca/success/387/transfer-students
Student Centre The CAW Student Centre is managed by the Policy and Management Board (PMB). It includes representatives from the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance, the Organization of Part-time University Students and the University of Windsor. https://uwsa.ca/student-life/student-centre/
Campus Services Campus Services provides valuable, supportive and integrated services to enhance the campus experience of our students and create a vibrant university community. https://www.uwindsor.ca/campusservices/

Social and Cultural Support

Campus Service Description Information and Contact
Turtle Island Indigenous Centre The Centre provides support to Indigenous students reach their highest potential in a culturally supportive atmosphere. https://www.uwindsor.ca/aboriginal-education-centre/
Campus Ministry Campus Ministry is a pastoral service for students, faculty, and staff at the University of Windsor provided by Assumption University, a founding affiliate college of University of Windsor.

We aim to be a place where life meets faith.
We seek to engage the very diverse population of the University of Windsor.
We have created spaces and programs that promote radical hospitality.
We hope to open doors so more seekers can discover God’s mercy, love and Truth.
We are open to all who want to participate and seek to better the whole person – body, mind and spirit.
We aim to form leaders on campus who witness to their peers and prepare to enter the world of work as missionary disciples.

Our dynamic staff provide a comprehensive Campus Ministry program which includes Sunday and weekday Masses and an emphasis on student leadership.

Campus Pride Centre The Campus Pride Centre provides a positive environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning, Two-Spirited, Intersex, Pansexual and Asexual individuals and their allies on the University of Windsor campus.

The Campus Pride Centre holds a variety of events during the year. There are also events for National and International celebrations of queer identities such as: National Coming out Day, Transgender Day of Remembrance, International Women’s Day, World AIDS Day, and more.

Childcare Services Great Beginnings Child Centered Cooperative is a non-profit Child Care Agency, fully licensed with the Ministry of Education, located near campus at 820 California Avenue.

They offer affordable and flexible child care options for children 0-12 years, accommodating flexible school/work schedules, at both the Child Care Center, near campus, and through a Licensed Home Child Care Program.

Faculty, staff, students and their families are welcome to join the free “stay and play” programs at the two Ontario Early Years Child & Family Center sites on their time off.

For more information about Great Beginnings please visit the website or contact by phone at (519) 253-5235.


Office of Human Rights, Equity, and Accessibility (OHREA) The Office of Human Rights, Equity & Accessibility is responsible for education, human rights inquiries and complaints, ombuds functions related to human rights, equity and accessibility, government reporting, policy development, and any other matters requiring accountability in these areas at the University of Windsor. https://www.uwindsor.ca/ohrea/
International Student Centre The ISC provides many quality services and programs to support almost 4,000 UWindsor international students, scholars, and their family members from over 92 different countries.

Once you arrive, you will be welcomed with a variety of orientations and arrival programs to help you successfully transition to the University of Windsor. The ISC team works diligently to help you achieve your academic and personal goals while in Canada. We provide professional advising services including academic support, information about health coverage and immigration information. We also provide plenty of extracurricular programming to ensure that your time at the University is not only academically fulfilling but also socially engaging. The ISC also administers exchange programs for students coming from abroad and for students studying at our partner institutions around the world.

The ISC is your home away from home and we are happy to serve you and your family members. I invite you to contact our office at any time for assistance and support. Best wishes for a successful and memorable journey at the University of Windsor.

The Multi-Faith Space The Multi-Faith Space is located in the basement of the CAW Student Centre, beside the Pharmacy.

The space is for the use of students, staff and faculty, by using your UWin card.

Outside of regular hours, it can be made accessible through prior arrangement with the Information Desk.

The front common area is open to everyone at all times regardless faith, religion, gender, etc.

Womxn’s Centre The Womxn’s Centre operates as a free campus service providing a safe space and welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds and expressions.

As an actively pro-choice, feminist space, the Womxn’s Centre provides guests with resources and information, as well as a positive, supporting environment and redirection to more specific resources if required.

Community Legal Aid Community Legal Aid (CLA) is a joint project between the University of Windsor’s Faculty of Law and Legal Aid Ontario. Our legal clinic is staffed by law students under the supervision of licensed lawyers. We proudly represent undergraduate students and provide free legal services to financially eligible low-income residents of the City of Windsor and the Greater Essex County. https://uwsa.ca/resources/community-legal-aid/
Student Associations There are other student associations at the University of Windsor that represents students. Students taking 4 or more undergraduate courses are a part of the UWSA. Students taking 3 courses or less are a part of the OPUS. Students who are in their master’s program or PhD are represented by the GSS.

The UWSA often works with OPUS and GSS to bring great changes and events to the students at the University of Windsor.

Student Groups https://uwsa.ca/student-groups/

Career Development, Experiential Learning, Volunteering Services

Campus Service Description Information and Contact
mySuccess is our innovative web based system that has been designed to allow UWindsor students access to job opportunities, employment related resources, appointment booking with our staff, information about upcoming events and more!
UWSA Opportunities
The UWSA provides many jobs and volunteer opportunities for students at the University of Windsor. Check this page to find available postings that may be of interest! Volunteer opportunities are not always formally posted, you can Get Involved and volunteer by directly contacting the coordinators of any of the UWSA Services.
Career Development and Experiential Learning 
Our team of professionals bring expertise in career exploration, job search strategies, resume and cover letters, interview preparation, and labour market information. They are here to help you build bridges between the classroom and the world of work by supporting your career development and connecting you with resources and opportunities to prepare for whatever your goal for after your time at University of Windsor might be.
Co-operative Education and Workplace Partnerships
Our co-op and internship programs integrate valuable work experience with classroom learning and professional development activities to ensure that you develop the transferable skills employers are looking for. Co-op and internship staff and UWindsor faculty members work closely to ensure that our programs are responsive to your needs.
VIP-CSL The office of Career Development & Experiential Learning brings you the opportunity to have a real impact on your community and to gain experience and professional development, all while you are completing your degree program.VIP-CSL participants work with local community partners to have an impact on their community while gaining skills and experience for their future careers. https://www.uwindsor.ca/career-development-experiential/325/vip
LEAD Volunteer This website offers students, faculty, and staff information about the many exciting opportunities available at the University of Windsor, in all three areas. The members of our Leadership Network offer a tremendous diversity of skills, training, and experience.The website serves as a source of information about the people, programs, and opportunities that will help students develop as leaders. We gladly acknowledge the diversity of leadership programming on our campus, and we are committed to working with all campus partners to help create a Lancer Leadership culture. https://www.uwindsor.ca/success/319/about-lead
EPI Centre The Entrepreneurship, Practice and Innovation Centre (EPICentre) is the hub for all entrepreneurial endeavours on the University of Windsor campus. From extra-curricular activities in our entrepreneurship centre to hands-on workshops in our makerspace, students from all disciplines have the opportunity to explore and practice entrepreneurial thinking and culture. Moreover, aspiring students and recent graduates from any post-secondary institution have access to mentorship, a collaborative co-working space and funding opportunities to start and grow their businesses.EPICentre operates two facilities. Our main facility, located on the 2nd floor of the Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre, is the collaborative space dedicated to entrepreneurial activities, including an open concept co-working space for startups. Our makerspace, the Windsor Mold Group EPIC Makers’ Base, is located in the Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation where students and makers come together to learn, explore, tinker and create prototypes. https://www.epicentreuwindsor.ca/


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