
Epidemiology Lab Notebook (ELN 4)


  • Lab notebooks are completed digitally using the Crowdmark platform. You will submit your lab notebook before the end of the lab time.
  • The amount of work expected for these lab notebooks is reflective of the time available! Labs run for 3 hours – we have therefore designed the lab activities and the lab notebook prompts in such a way that they will be able to be completed within the 3 hour window of provided time.
  • It is strongly advised that you read the lab outline BEFORE the lab starts to ensure you will be prepared to manage your time effectively and complete all protocols during the lab.
  • This lab notebook will be completed as PAIRS
  • This lab notebook (and completion of the lab) is pass/fail
  • Assignment Deadlines
  • Policies on Submitting Work, Absences and Missed Work
  • Specifications guidelines for Electronic Lab Notebooks

Part 1: Pre-lab

  • What is the purpose of today’s lab activity?
  • What protocols will you be completing in the lab?
  • Are there any safety precautions to be aware of before starting?

Part 2: Hypothesis Formulation and Experimental Design

      • Experiment 1: Using the influenza base model (SEIR-Model-Base-Seasonal), design an experiment to evaluate a hypothesis concerning this problem of interest: which environmental parameter affects the spread of influenza disease on a university campus? 
        • Use the provided template to summarize your experimental findings from 3 experimental replicates.
      • Experiment 2: Using one of the control strategy models (SEIR-Model-vaccination-Seasonal OR SEIR-Model-isolation OR SEIR-Model-antivirals), design an experiment to evaluate a hypothesis concerning this problem of interest: how effective is your control strategy (vaccination OR isolation OR antivirals) in preventing the spread of influenza?
        • Use the provided template to summarize your experimental findings from 3 experimental replicates.
  • You may use point form to complete each summary.

Part 3: Evidence of Simulation Outcomes

  • Upload a screenshot of one (1) of each of your simulation runs for Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. Your image should look similar to Figure 7 in the lab instructions.
  • (2 images total here, in .jpg format. You can either capture a screenshot on the computer using the snipping tool/snip and sketch, or by holding the Windows key and pressing the Print Screen button, which will take a full screenshot that you can crop. The image will save in the Pictures folder of the computer.)

NetLogo Experimental Findings Template

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:


Null hypothesis:


Experimental Design:


Conclusion: e.g. are the results consistent with your hypothesis? 


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

LIFESCI 2L03: Living Systems Laboratory Course Pack (6th Edition) Copyright © by Ryan Belowitz; Ana Tomljenovic-Berube; and Devon Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.