Neurophysiology Lab Notebook (ELN 6)


  • Lab notebooks are completed digitally using the Crowdmark platform. You will submit your lab notebook before the end of the lab time.
  • The amount of work expected for these lab notebooks is reflective of the time available! Labs run for 3 hours – we have therefore designed the lab activities and the lab notebook prompts in such a way that they will be able to be completed within the 3 hour window of provided time.
  • It is strongly advised that you read the lab outline BEFORE the lab starts to ensure you will be prepared to manage your time effectively and complete all protocols during the lab.
  • This lab notebook will be completed as PODS (groups of 4)
  • This lab notebook (and completion of the lab) is pass/fail
  • Assignment Deadlines
  • Policies on Submitting Work, Absences and Missed Work
  • Specifications guidelines for Electronic Lab Notebooks

Part 1: Pre-lab

  • What is the purpose of today’s lab activity?
  • What protocols will you be completing in the lab?
  • Are there any safety precautions to be aware of before starting?

Part 2: Raw Data

  • Upload your pod’s filled-in excel data tables in .pdf format. The table should be completely filled in, including the average and standard deviation fields (you will need to enter the equation in these cells to generate these values). Ensure you have added your pod’s raw data to the class dataset before continuing.

Part 3: Statistical analysis of class dataset

  • Use the GraphPad calculator tool provided to conduct a paired t test of the class data you’ve just generated (there will be two test conducted, one for each measurement category). The TA will put the data sheet on Avenue to Learn for each pod to be able to download a copy to work with.
  • Submit screenshots of each of your t test results in the GraphPad calculator. Be sure to upload the correct screenshot to each field of the ELN, so it is clear which test belongs to which measurement category. This does not need to be a formal figure – just provide the screenshot.
  • Are the t test results significant? How do you determine this, which values are important in the output?


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LIFESCI 2L03: Living Systems Laboratory Course Pack (5th Edition) Copyright © by Ryan Belowitz; Ana Tomljenovic-Berube; and Devon Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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