Final Video Reflection

Video Reflection

Reflection is an important part of experiential learning, as it allows a person to think about what they were able to gain from a particular learning experience and potentially apply that knowledge towards new experiences. LIFESCI 2L03 as a laboratory course fosters experiential learning in that you are “learning by doing.” In this final assignment for the course, we are asking you to reflect upon your activities in the course.

As a reminder, our goals in this course were to:

  • introduce you to key lab skills that will be applicable to future lab courses
  • highlight techniques used in Life Sciences research
  • assist you with fun and safe experiments, and
  • support you through each learning module and assignment to ensure your success

To complete this assignment, we want you to provide a 2-3 minute video-based reflection of your experiences in LIFESCI 2L03, considering the following prompts:

  1. What learning module did you most enjoy? Why was it enjoyable for you? You can discuss any component (lecture, lab, tutorial). As a reminder, the modules were:
  • Aging and Frailty
  • Epidemiology
  • Histology
  • Neurophysiology
  • Cell Biology
  • Experiential Learning
  • Genetics
  • Locomotion

2. What skill(s) did you feel you were able to acquire or develop in this course? How do you think you could apply these skills in the future? Types of skills to consider:

  • lab skills (you should be specific about the type of lab skill, e.g. microscopy, pipetting, etc.)
  • data processing and analysis
  • using the scientific method
  • scientific writing
  • literature-based research
  • transferable skills (e.g. critical thinking, problem solving, adaptability, teamwork, attention to detail, time management)

3. We explored human aging processes from molecular, cellular, systemic, organismal, and societal perspectives. Describe one new thing you learned about human aging during this course.

4. If you could give advice to a new LIFESCI 2L03 student coming into the course, what would you tell them?


This is not meant to be a straight question/answer activity, but rather almost like you are talking to yourself or a friend about the course. It doesn’t have to be fancy; just you in front of your computer screen. Ideally, you should think about the prompts and your answers ahead of recording so you know what you want to say. It shouldn’t just be you reading off a script, but if you feel you need notes to help remind you of what you want to say, that’s perfectly fine.

Your video will be graded on the following specifications:

  • Does the reflection respond to the suggested prompts?
  • Is the video reflection personalized to your experiences?
  • Does the reflection show that you prepared ahead of time? (i.e. was it thoughtfully planned and not hastily done)
  • Is the reflection engaging?
  • Is the video easy to watch and understand (e.g. clear voice, plain language, person is visible on screen)?


Submission instructions:

To submit your video:

  • Join the “Final Video Reflection” assignment group on Flip through this link: Use Microsoft to login (i.e. your MacID and password).
  • Hit the “Record” button to record your video on Flip. Once you’re finished recording, if you aren’t satisfied with how it turned out, you can re-record, but please only submit one video.
  • Please name your video in the video caption as follows: “YourMacID_W24”
  • The deadline for submission is Wednesday April 10th by 6 PM.






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LIFESCI 2L03: Living Systems Laboratory Course Pack (5th Edition) Copyright © by Ryan Belowitz; Ana Tomljenovic-Berube; and Devon Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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