
Chapter 8: Integrating Research

Chapter Learning Objectives

This chapter will help you

  1. know when to cite and how to avoid plagiarism;
  2. integrate quotations correctly and effectively;
  3. develop and include paraphrases of others’ work or ideas;
  4. write and use summaries;
  5. vary your choice of signal verbs; and
  6. refer to author names and article titles correctly.

Chapter Overview

When writing in a technical environment, you will frequently need to refer to the published works of scholars and experts in your field. You may decide to use published content in your work in the form of quotations, or, perhaps, you’ll decide to paraphrase. Whatever you decide, it will be important to acknowledge the original author correctly and effectively.

This chapter reviews guidelines for citing, quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. It also touches on signal verb use, plagiarism, and using authors names/article titles correctly. While all these topics are covered briefly, please refer to more extensive sources for more details or coverage of nuanced aspects of these topics.