
Introduction and Acknowledgements


This open textbook was compiled and adapted from existing open educational resources by faculty from the the English Department at Centennial College —Sarah Duffy, Sherry Hejazi, and Ivan Su— in the Winter 2022 semester.

It is designed as a resource for ENGL 250, Report Writing in a Technical Environment. This course, a capstone English course for SETAS students, aids students in transitioning from essay writing, in COMM 170 or 171, to report writing and technical communication.

This first edition is a starting point; its scope was limited by time and resources.  Future editions are intended to include an appendix, exercise solutions, customized  ENGL 250 content (e.g., examples and exercises), interactive features, and, hopefully, student-generated content too.


We would like to acknowledge and thank the following individuals at Centennial College who contributed to and/or supported the development of this resource:

  • Will Chomrak, Fabian Soto, and Manipal Sidhu (Centennial College OER Lab, Winter 2022)
  • Shelby Thaysen (Centennial College Copyright Services Librarian)
  • Joanna Blair (Centennial College Librarian)
  • Ryan O’Connor and Carol Roffey (Centennial College Chair and Dean)
  • Centennial College marketing department (cover design)

In addition, we’d like to thank the authors of these resources who openly licensed their content so that a modified resource like this could be offered for free to Centennial’s students:

Any suggestions, comments, or questions about this resource should be directed to Sarah Duffy (sduffy@centennialcollege.ca).