
Chapter 4: Review

This chapter, Using a Technical Writing Style, is intended to help you determine the choices you can make to ensure your technical communications have a style that is appropriate to your audience and purpose.

Here are the key takeaways from the chapter:

  • Reader-centred writing is from a reader’s perspective rather than a writer’s perspective; technical communication should be reader-centred, ensuring it focuses on the benefit to the reader. (4.1)
  • A professional tone, which should be used in technical communications, includes positive word choices, courtesy, and a genuine approach. (4.1)
  • These 7Cs help to guide technical writing style: clear, coherent, concise, concrete, correct, complete, and courteous. (4.2)
  • Sentence length and precision of wording should also be considered as part of technical writing style. (4.2)
  • The formality of writing should reflect the audience and purpose of a technical communication. (4.3)