Chapter 6: Review

This chapter, Writing Formal Reports, is intended to provide guidelines for formal reports, in general, and more specifically, the ENGL 250 technology report.

Here are the key takeaways from the chapter:

  • Formal reports traditionally include a number of standard sections. (6.1)
  • Specific organizations, such as OACETT, have developed guidelines for technology report structure and contents. (6.1)
  • A cover letter, or letter of transmittal, often accompanies the report and will explain it to the reader. (6.2)
  • The report title page includes the title of the report, the receiver’s name and details, the author’s name and details, and the date of submission. (6.2)
  • Technical reports include an abstract, which provides an overview of each section’s purpose or its contents. (6.3)
  • A report’s Table of Contents and List of Figures help readers to navigate through the report. (6.4)
  • The purpose of a formal report’s introduction is to prepare the reader for the body of the report. (6.5)
  • The report’s discussion section is the main body of the report; given this, it is important to organize its contents carefully using headings, lists, and graphics. (6.5)
  • Finally, a report should include a conclusion, recommendation (if relevant), references, and appendices. (6.6)



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