
3.3: Composing Memos

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the purpose for successful memo writing
  • List the parts of an effective memo

When Are Memos Used for Workplace Communication?

A memo (or memorandum, meaning “reminder”) communicates policies, procedures, short reports, or related official business within an organization. It assumes a one-to-all perspective, broadcasting a message to a group audience rather than to individuals, like email or letters often do. Memos are objective in tone and avoid all personal bias or subjective preference, especially because they may have legal standing when reflecting policies or procedures. Accuracy is therefore paramount in memos lest ambiguities result in mistakes that then become legal matters (Business Communication for Success, 2015, 9.2).

What Are the Considerations When Choosing Memos for Communication?

A memo’s purpose is often to inform, but it occasionally includes an element of persuasion or call to action. All organizations have informal and formal communication networks. The unofficial, informal communication network within an organization, the “grapevine,” is often a way for employees to relate and share useful, reliable information, but can also be a channel for rumour, gossip, and innuendo.

One effective way to address informal, unofficial speculation is to spell out clearly for all employees what is going on with a particular issue. If budget cuts are a concern, then it may be wise to send a memo explaining the imminent changes. If a company wants employees to take action, they may also issue a memorandum. For example, a company memo may announce a new program incentivizing employees to use public transit or other alternatives to driving to work and filling up the parking lot with their single-occupant vehicles. In this way, memos often represent the business or organization’s interests. They may also include statements that align business and employee interest, underscoring common ground and benefit (Business Communication for Success, 2015, 9.2).

Table 3.3.A. captures some of the advantages, disadvantages, expectations, and considerations that you should consider when determining whether a memo is the best form of communication for your audience and purpose.

Advantages Disadvantages Expectations/Considerations
  • Provides a written record of group decisions, announcements, policies, and procedures within an organization
  • Can also be a format for delivering small reports (e.g., conference report) and recording negotiating terms in agreements between organizations (e.g., memo of understanding)
  • Can be posted on a physical bulletin board and/or emailed
  • Requires a good archiving system to make memos easily accessible for those (especially new employees) needing to review a record of company policies, procedures, etc.
  • Use template with company letterhead
  • Follow the same conventions as email, except omit the opening and closing salutations and e-signature

 Table 3.3.A: Memo Advantages, Disadvantages, Expectations, and Considerations

What Are the Guidelines for Memo Writing and Format?

A memo often has a letterhead with “MEMO” and the company name and logo at the top of the page. Below this are the header fields identifying the recipient, author, date, and subject, much like you would see in an email. In fact, the header fields of an email are based on those traditionally found in memos, so the same principles for what to include here, such as how to title the document in the subject line, hold for both.

Unlike emails, memos omit the opening salutation. However, from there, they are similar in their three-part message organization, being made up of an opening, body, and closing. Always direct-approach, the memo message opening states the main point, the body supports this with details, and the closing gives action information or a summary.

Most of the guidelines for email writing—detailed in 3.2: Sending Emails —apply to memos too. Refer back to this section for the relevant guidelines when composing a memo.

Here is a sample memo that follows the guidelines for effective memo writing.


To:           All Employees
From:      Hiroshi Ogawa, President, Toronto College
Date:       February 14, 2022
Subject:  Future Expenditure Guidelines

After careful deliberation, I have determined it is necessary to begin the initial steps of a financial stewardship program that carries Toronto College through what appears to be a two-year cycle of a severe shortfall in revenue and subsequent necessary budget reductions.

Beginning February 19, 2022, the following actions are being implemented for the General Fund, Auxiliary Fund, and Capital Fund in order to address the projected  budget challenges for the remainder of this year and into next year:

  • Only purchases needed to operate the college should be made so that we can begin saving to reduce the impact of 2022-2023 budget reductions.
  • Requests for out-of-province travel will require approval from the Executive Committee to ensure that only necessary institutional travel occurs.
  • Purchases, including in-province travel and budget transfers, will require the appropriate vice president’s approval.

Please understand that we are taking these prudent steps  to create savings that will allow Toronto College to reduce the impact of projected cuts. Thank you for your cooperation, and please direct any questions to my office.

Adapted from Business Communication for Success, 2015, 9.2



Exercise 3.3.A: Write Effective Memos

Read the following scenario and draft a memo in response.

Your company is about to adopt a new technology (e.g., new software, new laptops, mobile phones, etc.). Inform the employees and discuss the benefits of the new tool in a memo. Explain how this development will impact their work.

References & Attributions


Business Communications for Success. (2015).  Memorandums and letters. https://open.lib.umn.edu/businesscommunication/chapter/9-2-memorandums-and-letters/

Perkins, C., & Brizee, A. (2018, March 23). Memos: Audience and purpose. Purdue OWL. https://owl.english.purdue.eadu/owl/resource/590/1/


Content on this page is adapted from 4.2: Composing Workplace Memos by Melissa Ashman; Arley Cruthers; eCampusOntario; Ontario Business Faculty; and University of Minnesota, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.