A Holistic Approach for Aligning Activities Within Your Course
Active Learning Activities
It’s good practice to have learning activities that are aligned with the course objectives and learning outcomes. Planning for active learning systematically isn’t only in the domain of experts. This module suggests strategies that can help you prepare well for integrating active learning successfully in classes at any level. As a first step, let’s try to understand the implementation of active learning activities from the perspectives of students, teachers, and the institution. Figure 1 presents a holistic view of implementing active learning activities in a course.

If you would like to view an accessible and downloadable figure 1, please download the accessible version: A Holistic View of Implementing Active Learning Activities. The downloadable version is visually the same but includes tagged content, correct reading order and alt text where required.
Answers to these questions coupled with the guiding principles that various researchers have suggested can lead you to active learning activities appropriate for your course(s).