
4.3 Support Documents and Additional Resources

Fanshawe College Virtual Reality (VR)

A student participating in a virtual reality experience.
A Virtual Reality“,  by Oleg Afonin, CC BY 2.0

Another way to prepare for your practicum is to think about your “soft skills.” Soft skills are the ways you interact with people. We focus a lot in the ECL program on using soft skills to be responsive and build secure relationships with children, families, and peers. Soft skills are not always specifically taught like content in a lecture or reading, but are very important in our practice as emerging Early Years Educators. Many soft skills are part of our program’s ‘Degree Level Standards.’ Soft skills like problem-solving, communicating effectively, and being self-aware are developed through experience and practice.

Sometimes, we may not have the experience or limited opportunities to practise these skills. If you are looking to practise your soft skills or learn new ways to be more comfortable using these skills, consider coming to Fanshawe’s VR skills lab in D 2013.

Open Labs on Thursdays – 10 am – 1 pm

In your seminar course, we will be using the VR lab and the application “Body Swaps”. You can visit the lab on your own, too, and try out a couple of these applications during their open labs time.

Suggested scenarios to try:

  • Presentation Skills
  • Active Listening
  • Clear Communication
  • Let’s Talk About Race and Privilege

General Information

Visit 4.3 Support Documents and Additional Resources to access the links.