
2.0 Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

The objectives of this chapter are to:

  • Discuss expectations and roles of all field experience opportunities.
  • Demonstrate professionalism and pedagogical leadership in communication and relationships with children, families, colleagues, and the communities.
  • Build and maintain caring and responsive relationships with children, families, and colleagues that reflect the four foundations of learning.

Early childhood education is a care and relationship-based practice. … Practicum is important, because it is the way students experience the profession and develop their skills. … Without opportunity to learn how to practise the profession, graduates of post-secondary programs would be ill-prepared to face the dynamic and complex environments in which RECEs work (College of Early Childhood Educators, 2021, p.5).

It takes a community to support the practicum experience. The practicum is a collaborative early years field experience where each role is important to the learning and development process. This chapter will provide an overview of the student, Agency Mentor, College Faculty Advisor, and Early Years agency roles.

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