
7.1 Preparation for FLDP-7007: Solutions for Early Childhood Leaders

FLDP-7007: Solutions for Early Childhood Leaders

Scheduled during the Fall term of Year 4. This course is both a seminar (45 hours) and field experience (165 hours).

Course Description:

In this course, students will use the theoretical and technical knowledge gained throughout previous semesters of the program to undertake a specific project that addresses an identified program issue. Students will work in their internship site (if possible) to evaluate and propose a solution to address a specific program area that may benefit from strengthening related to curriculum and pedagogy. Students model collaborative leadership throughout the process.

Solutions Projects

ECE students and teachers collaborating together in discussion.
Seventh-Grade Social Studies Teachers“, by Alliance for Excellent Education, CC BY-NC 2.0

The Solutions project allows for ECL students to gain expertise in a specific subject matter while collaborating with their internship organization. The ECL program encourages the respectful implementation of this innovative project, prioritizing the approval of the hosting organization. This is an educational experience whereby the student contributes to the organization while remaining in the role of learner.

Past Tenets

In collaboration with their internship organization (Early Years Agency), students will determine the area of focus for their Solutions project. Below is a list of focuses (tenets) explored by previous ECL interns:

  • Promoting family engagement
  • Using technology to foster literacy development
  • Embedding emotional literacy in after-school program curriculum
  • Utilizing current pedagogical documents (e.g. How Does Learning Happen?) as a framework for documentation
  • Supporting accessibility of community resources for newcomers to Canada
  • Promoting family and community engagement in STEAM education
  • Developing opportunities for reflective practice and collaborative inquiry within agency settings
  • Promoting Early Years leadership and professional development for staff
  • Enhancing guided risk opportunities for young children
  • Promoting self-regulatory behaviours in early years programs
  • Enriching sensitive guidance strategies founded on current evidence
  • Promoting learning through exploration, play, and inquiry
  • Enhancing Inclusion and Diversity in the Early Years Environments
  • Strengthening cultural responsiveness in programming
  • Fostering secure, responsive relationships
  • Supporting the well-being of educators, children, and families
  • Promoting sustainability within early years agencies


The innovative projects will unfold in various ways. These are a few past project ideas:

  • Creating and implementing a professional development experience (Lunch & Learn, Pedagogical talks, or PL sessions)
  • Gathering of materials/research (educational/resources and physical) that could foster the integration of your area of focus (some of our former students have created SEL resource kits for the agency’s before and after-school programs)
  • Creation of CoPs, infographics, pamphlets, webpages, blogs, social media, or any other medium that could promote growth in your area of focus
  • Creation or revision of policy documents, family information packages, staff orientation handbook, websites etc.
  • Information/Play Night for Families/Communities
  • Development of a specialized program that could foster the integration of your focus (camp program, well-being for toddlers’ tool kit, family workshops, educator workshop)
Examples of infographics/posters of solutions projects as outlined above
Image: © Fanshawe College, All Rights Reserved.

In addition to working on their Solutions project while on-site, the student may partake in other roles and responsibilities within the organization. These may include working alongside their mentor, engaging in administrative duties, or working in a playroom/classroom setting.

Student Tips on how to Prepare for Solutions

  • Seek out opportunities for potential solutions projects during your internship by observing potential areas for growth and development during your internship.
  • Co-develop a focus for a project with your mentor, ensuring that it is realistic and achievable within a 3 month time period.
  • Research alternative options if completing your solutions cannot be done at the same agency as your internship.
  • Identify which core tenet your solutions project aligns with to guide your research and ensure its relevance.
  • Work with your mentor during your internship to discuss project ideas and gather feedback, even if you may end up completing your solutions project with another agency partner.
  • Start to think of ways that you can work towards a solution that has lasting value for the organization you choose to complete this placement at. Proactive preparation will ensure that your solutions project is meaningful, manageable, and successful.