
6.0 Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

The objectives of this chapter are to:

  • Prepare for Leadership field experience by understanding the role of the ECE and the professional expectations.
  • Engage in reflective practice and self-evaluation in preparation for the field experience.
  • To apply current and accessible resources to the field practicum experiences and program outcomes.
  • Build and maintain caring and responsive relationships with children, families, and colleagues that reflect the four foundations of learning.
  • Demonstrate professionalism and pedagogical leadership in communication and relationships with children, families, colleagues, and the communities.


ECE working with a group of children.
Photo, by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Public Domain.

The Internship is a collaborative learning experience which takes place during the Summer term after the third year. It is 420 mentored hours (paid or unpaid) in an Early Years Program. Students will apply strategies to support continuous learning & promote effective pedagogical practices in an EY setting.


COOP-ECL1 Leadership Internship
FLDP-7012 Internship Seminar
ECED-7028 Pedagogical Leadership in ECE Programs


“Course descriptions” in “Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership Courses” © Fanshawe College, All Rights Reserved.