
5.0 Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

The objectives of this chapter are to:

  • Prepare for FLDP 7017 Field Practicum, 3-6 Years.
  • Engage in reflective practice and self-evaluation in preparation for the field experience.
  • Apply current and accessible resources to the field practicum experiences and program outcomes.
  • Build and maintain caring and responsive relationships with children, families, and colleagues that reflect the four foundations of learning.
  • Demonstrate professionalism and pedagogical leadership in communication and relationships with children, families, colleagues, and the communities.
Photo, Yan Krukau, Pexels License.


FLDP-7017 takes place during the Winter term of your second year in a Kindergarten classroom. Scheduled 2 days/week for 7.5 hours on Monday/Tuesday, for a total of 200 hours. The course shell on FOL is monitored by your Faculty Advisor, and where all your field placement forms will be uploaded.


FLDP-7017 Field Practicum 3-6 Years
FLDP-7018 Field Seminar 3-6 Years
ECED-7027 Curriculum for Early Learning: 3-6 Years

“Course descriptions” in “Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership Courses” © Fanshawe College, All Rights Reserved.