
1.1 Welcome

The Early Childhood Leadership Degree is an applied degree with a heavy focus on early childhood development, early childhood pedagogy, human relationships, curriculum development, and leadership skills. As an applied degree, we offer over 1000 hours of field and field-related experiences.

Portrait photo of Program Coordinator: Lisa McCorquodale Ph.D OT Reg. (Ont.)

Program Coordinator: Lisa McCorquodale, Ph.D OT Reg. (Ont.)

Email: lmccorquodale@fanshawec.ca
Phone: TBA
Office Hours: by appointment

Portrait photo of Field Coordinator: Mary Mitches

Field Coordinator: Mary Mitches (she/her) R.ECE., AECEO.C, M.Ped

Email: mmitches@fanshawec.ca
Phone: 519-452-4430 Ext. 1594
Office Hours: by appointment

Portrait photo of Academic Advisor: Matt Hill

Academic Advisor: Matt Hill (he/him)

Email: mhill@fanshawec.ca
Phone 519-452-4430 ext. 1491
Office Hours: by appointment