
3.0 Learning Objectives

Noah King and Rhea Terry

Learning Objectives

The objectives of this chapter are to:

  • Engage the students, faculty, and community in quality mentoring practices.
  • Build and maintain caring and responsive relationships with children, families, and colleagues that reflect the four foundations of learning.

Who we are is the product of experiences and relationships. — Jean Clinton

To begin, let us look at how our regulatory body, the College of Early Childhood Educators, defines Mentoring:

“A reciprocal, relationship-based and process-oriented professional learning experience between two individuals (a mentor and a mentee) in the early learning and care sector. The purpose of the relationship is to learn and improve professional practice through reflective practice, self-directed learning, and collaboration. A Mentor is an individual who shares and uses their knowledge, skills, and experiences to support and guide a mentee to improve their practice and acquire new skills” (College of Early Childhood Educators, 2018, p.2).

A collage of words. 5 largest: growth, togetherness, collaboration, inspiration, learning.
Wordle by Sheryl Third, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0