2.2 Early Childhood Education Field Placement Students
ECE Student Role: An individual who is supported and guided by a mentor in order to learn, improve their professional practice, or acquire new skills (College of Early Childhood Educators, 2018).
- Complete the Field Practicum Pre-Placement Requirements – Semester 1
- Successfully complete FLDP 1021 Field Orientation with a Passing Grade- Semester 1
- Complete any Early Years Agency Policy and Procedures Review and/or attend Orientation
- Follow all Early Years Agency Policies, Practices, and Procedures
- Share Field Practicum Workbook with Agency Mentor
- Work collaboratively with the Agency Mentor and Agency Staff members
- Complete the Field Practicum Workbook
- Attend Field Placement on scheduled days and complete all hours
- Participate in all aspects of the Early Years Agency
- Demonstrate the Learning Outcomes outlined in the Field Practicum Workbook
- Review Progress with the Agency Mentor
- Conduct oneself in a professional and ethical manner
- Take initiative and responsibility in learning
- Be curious, open, and interested in new learning and approaches
- Accept and reflect on constructive feedback
- Willing to be questioned and challenged in their perspectives