

The Grading System

The MBA Grade Scale is:

Grade Points Equivalent Percentages
A+ 12 90-100
A 11 85-89
A- 10 80-84
B+ 9 75-79
B 8 70-74
B- 7 60-69
F 0 59 and under

Dean’s Honour List

  • The minimum grade point average for the Dean’s Honour List (DHL) is 10.5 (between A- and A). Year 1 students who maintain a 10.5 average on all 600-level courses, including any courses that are waiver replacements, or Year 2 students who maintain a 10.5 average on all 700-level courses completed in second year, will be named to the Dean’s Honour List. A minimum of eight (8) courses must be taken in Year 2 in order to be eligible.
  • Excluded are courses defined as “extra” (see Course Load Section of this calendar). Students who participate in exchange programs are not eligible for the Dean’s Honour List in their second year of studies.


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