
Additional Co-op Student Requirements

MBA Co-op Program

  • Students enrolled in the MBA Co-op program must be mindful of the particular demands placed upon them in addition to the academic workload of this full-time graduate program. This continuous twenty-eight (28) month program consists of four academic terms and three work terms. Co-op students are expected to participate fully in all co-op preparation delivered throughout their program including; individual career coaching, self-assessments, information sessions, workshops, group meetings and employer and alumni engagement opportunities.
  • Students must be active participants in all aspects of the preparation to maintain access to the co-op job board. This includes the accountability of staying informed of job postings, application deadlines, as well as dates and interview times. Students must accept the terms of the Co-op Terms and Conditions at the beginning of each term which fully outlines their roles and responsibilities during the Co-op recruitment process and while on work term.

Program Requirements: Registration for Full-time Studies for Four Academic Terms

  • Students registered in the MBA Co-op Program must register in full-time studies for four academic terms and students must be enrolled in an academic term in the terms immediately pre and post co-op work terms.
  • To graduate from the Co-op Program, you must complete the entire 28-month program as a full-time registered student. The Co-op program requirements and fees have been developed on the basis of all students completing the program over 28 months. Transfers from Co-op to the full-time or part-time program will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Co-op Sequencing Options

  • The Co-op program is designed to alternate academic terms with a four-month work term until a student has completed four academic terms and three work terms. Students may request special consideration for changes in work term sequence. Approval for changes in sequence are required from the Manager, Career & Professional Development and the Manager, Academic. Please note that changes in sequencing may result in extending your 28-month program to meet the requirements of your degree.
  • Students must return to full-time studies following their final work term

Co-op Sequencing Options

Fall (Sept-Dec) Winter (Jan-Apr) Spring/ Summer (May-Aug) Fall (Sept-Dec) Winter (Jan-Apr) Spring/ Summer (May-Aug) Fall (Sept-Dec) Winter (Jan-Apr) Spring/ Summer (May-Aug)
Academic Term 1 Work Term 1 Academic Term 2 Work Term 2 Academic Term 3 Work Term 3 Academic Term 4 Convocation

Continuation in the Program

  • All Co-op students are evaluated according to the standards set for MBA students by the DeGroote School of Business and the School of Graduate Studies. Continuation in the Co-op Program is contingent on maintaining the required academic performance (please refer to the Continuation section of this handbook).
  • To obtain the Co-op designation on their transcripts, students in the Co-op program must complete three work terms (minimum of 12-weeks each work term) and receive a passing grade in BUSADMIN WT01, WT02 and WT03.
  • Unsatisfactory student work term evaluations received by Co-op employers are reviewed by the Manager, Student Experience – Career and Professional Development in consultation with an ad hoc committee consisting of the MBA Program Director and the Associate Dean. If the unsatisfactory evaluation is confirmed by the Manager, the student receiving a grade of fail for their work term course is withdrawn from the Co-op Program and, subject to the prior approval of the Graduate Admissions and Study Committee, the notation “Withdrawn from the Co-op Program” will be placed on the student’s transcript in the next session in which the student registers.
  • Students unable to secure a work term following two recruitment cycles will not be permitted to continue in the program, and will be transferred to a Full-time MBA.

Co-op Program Fees

  • The total Co-op Program Fee is $5250. The Co-op program fee is supplemental to tuition fees and is non-refundable. This program fee is paid in three installments of $1750, to minimize the financial burden on students.
  • The Co-op Program Fee partially covers the costs associated with the administration of the Co-op program. This includes the administration of the Co-op recruitment cycle (job postings, interview schedules and work term records), pre-work term training, work term monitoring and support, and employer recruitment and development. (cont’d on next page)
  • Students are expected to remain in the Co-op Program until its completion. Circumstances may require transfers out of the Co-op Program. Please note that students transferring out of the Co-op program are required to pay the total Co-op Program fee prior to transfer. All transfers require review and approval from both the SE – Career and Professional Development and SE – Academic teams

Co-op Work Term courses

BUSADMIN WT01, WT02 and WT03

  • Full-time paid employment, with one employer, in an approved work term providing students with work experience related to their academic curriculum.
  • After securing a work term, students must successfully complete a minimum of 12 consecutive weeks of full-time work experience, obtain satisfactory employer evaluation(s) and submit work term reports prior to their return to campus.
  • All Co-op students will be enrolled in one of the Co-op Work Term courses for the semester in which their work term occurs. Upon successful completion of the work term requirements, a notation including the name of the employer and dates of employment will be added to the student’s transcript. This course will be evaluated as a pass/fail.

Prerequisite(s): enrollment in the MBA Co-op Program and permission of the Manager, Career and Professional Development.



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