
Missed Term Work

Missed Term Work

  • Term work includes such requirements as assignments, tests, class participation, and mid-term exams. When students miss regularly scheduled term work which contributes 10% or more to the final grade, for legitimate reasons as determined by the Student Experience – Academic Office (SEAO), the activity necessary to compensate for the missed work will be determined by the course instructor.  The compensatory activities assigned will vary with the nature of the course and the missed requirement. They include, but are not restricted to, an alternative assignment, a rescheduled exam, or re-weighting the marks for the missed component to other mark components.  Documentation explaining such missed work must be provided to the SEAO within five (5) working days of the scheduled date for completion of the work.
  • Approved reasons for missed work are generally related to one of the following categories: personal medical issue, death or extenuating circumstances connected to an immediate family member*, university representation at an academic or varsity event, or religious observance**. Approved absences tied to employment related obligations will only be considered for students in a part time program.

* Immediate family member as defined by the Government of Canada (see section #7: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/labour-standards/reports/bereavement-leave.html#s07).

**Please refer to McMaster’s Academic Accommodation Policy for Religious, Indigenous and Spiritual Observances https://secretariat.mcmaster.ca/app/uploads/2019/02/Academic-Accommodation-for-Religious-Indigenous-and-Spiritual-Observances-Policy-on.pdf

  • To document missed work for health related reasons, please provide the Petition for Missed Term Work and the MBA Student McMaster University Student Health Certificate, which can be found on the DeGroote MBA Student website. The MBA Student McMaster University Student Health Certificate must be completed by a licensed health practitioner.
  • University policy states that a student may submit a maximum of three (3) Petition for Missed Term Work per academic year, after which the student must meet with the Director of the program.
  • Petitions from students who write examinations while ill and apply for special consideration after the fact will not be considered.
  • Where missed work is tied to a planned event (such as a planned university athletic or academic representation, or calendared religious observance), it is expected that the Petition for Missed Term work will be submitted early in the term and prior to the known event.
  • To document missed term work for reasons other than health, please provide the Petition for Missed Term Work and documentation supporting the reason for the missing work. Please direct any questions about acceptable documentation to the MBA Academic Advisors.
  • Please do not use the online McMaster Student Absence Form (MSAF) as this is for Undergraduate students only. The MBA program will not accept an MSAF.
  • If term work is missed without an approved reason, students will receive a grade of zero (0) for that component.


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