
Missed Final Examinations

Missed Final Examinations

  • Students must be available for the duration of the posted exam period regardless of their personal exam schedule. This is to ensure student availability throughout the entire exam period in the event that an exam must be rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances (university closure, power outage, storm policy, etc.). A student who misses a final examination without valid reason will receive a mark of 0 on the examination.
  • Students who have missed a final exam for a valid reason can apply to the SEAO to write a deferred examination by submitting an Application for Deferring a Final Exam with supporting documentation.
  • If the final exam was missed for medical reasons the supporting documentation must include an MBA Student McMaster University Student Health Certificate. The MBA Student McMaster University Student Health Certificate must be completed by a licensed health practitioner.
  • The application must be made within five days of the scheduled exam date or the application may be denied.
  • The Application for Deferring a Final Exam and the MBA Student McMaster University Student Health Certificate can be found on the DeGroote MBA Current Student website (mbastudent.degroote.mcmaster.ca)
  • Deferred examination privileges, if granted, are normally satisfied during the examination period at the end of the following semester. In select cases, the deferred examination may be written at a time facilitated by the SEAO and agreed to by the course instructor.
  • Requests for a second deferral or rescheduling of a deferred examination will not be considered.
  • Failure to write an approved deferred examination at the pre-scheduled time will result in a zero (0) mark for that examination, except in the case of exceptional circumstances where documentation has been provided and approved. Upon approval, no credit will be given for the course, and the notation N.C. (no credit) will be placed on the student’s transcript.
  • Students receiving no credit for a required course must repeat the course. Optional or elective courses for which no credit is given may be repeated or replaced with another course of equal credit value.
  • In cases where the student’s standing is in doubt, the Graduate Admissions and Study Committee may require that the student with one or more deferred examination privileges refrain from re-registering until the examination(s) have been cleared.


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