
2 APA Formatting

Professors at Confederation College will require you to format your assignments according to APA conventions and use the APA method for any paper or presentation that contains information taken from a source.

Always use the Confederation College APA Manual as a guide to ensure your work is correct.

Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter, you will be able to

  • format a paper according to APA style conventions
  • create an APA title page

APA Formatting

An APA-style paper must follow APA formatting for spacing, fonts, and indentations. It must also have a specially-formatted title page, which is the first page of the document.

Here is an example of a correctly formatted title page:

APA title page example

Notice that all of the text information on the title page is centered in the top half of the page (not in the middle of the page). Also notice that APA 7th edition does not require student papers to have running heads; unless your teacher specifies that you need a running head, you should not include one.

Watch this video to learn how to create an APA title page using Microsoft Word [1]:

Learning Check

Additional Resources to Help you Format your Paper in APA Style

Consult the following resources to ensure your paper is formatted correctly:


APA in Presentations

The official APA Style Guide does not give specific information on how to cite sources within a Powerpoint Presentation. However, remember that the same rules apply to presentations as to written documents: you must ensure that your audience knows where your information came from. This enables you to have integrity and avoid plagiarism and it shows your audience that you did sufficient research to support your claims. Well-researched presentations are much more persuasive.

This video gives advice on how to format citations and references in a Powerpoint-style presentation: APA in PPT. Always check with your professors to ensure that you are meeting their APA requirements

  1. Freeman, K. (2020, October 8). APA title page 7th ed. (video). YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGGhdx2WzlU


APA Formatting Copyright © by Confederation College Communications Department and Paterson Library Commons. All Rights Reserved.