
Optimizing Supervision for Medication Safety

A medication pass is the scheduled process by which healthcare providers, typically nurses, distribute and administer prescribed medications to patients under their care within 1 hour of their scheduled time (refer to individual institutional policy)

The ratio of students to clinical instructors during medication passes must prioritize patient safety and foster a conducive learning environment.

Flexible Ratio Adjustments

Adapt the student-to-instructor ratio to align with the unique demands of the clinical setting and the specific needs of patients under care.

Focused Supervision for Beginners

Initially, instructors should closely supervise a smaller group, ideally 2 to 3 students, to provide focused guidance during their first medication administration experiences.

Adjusting as Competency Grows

As students demonstrate increased proficiency, the supervision ratio can be cautiously expanded, taking into account the instructor’s judgment and confidence in the students’ abilities.



College of Nurses of Ontario. (2024). Medication Decision Tool. Retrieved from https://www.cno.org/en/learn-about-standards-guidelines/educational-tools/decision-tool-medication/



Suggestions based on expert clinical experience and application of CNO Standards of Practice.